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Your Dreams in Tech
Fox 13 The Place with Kylie Willis and Makenzy Toro talking about their dreams in tech. Cool gadgets for DanceTech, SportsTech and outdoor TechGear.

Live SheTech Coverage: TechZone

Live SheTech Coverage: TechZone

Video: Shetech Interns Show off STEM Activities on KSL
6/13/2017 The Women Tech Council launched a two-week technology internship program. The girls toured tech companies across the Silicon Slopes, including Vivint, Ancestry, Instructure, Dell EMC, Domo, Adobe, HireVue and IM Flash. In addition to the tours, the girls demonstrated STEM activities at the state educator’s CTE Conference to promote SheTech and the importance of engaging students in STEM. [See Video]

Video: Girls Getting Hands-on Tech Experience
5/8/2017 Girls from high schools across the state got hands-on technology experience in Cedar City on Monday. Southern Utah University was full of teenage girls learning about 3-d printers, chemical experiments, and even LED jewelry. SheTech’s hope is to give girls from rural Utah experience in tech fields, as well as mentoring, to inspire them to seek out careers in science, technology, engineering and math.

Video: Finding the Fun in Science at SheTech
03/23/2016 From high tech gadgets to rockets, this year’s ‘SheTech Explorer Conference’ had it all for teenage girls. Organizers say the annual conference gives young women a chance to explore the STEM fields and meet other women who love it too. The ultimate goal is to encourage these high school girls to get out of their comfort zone and find the fun behind science.

Video: SheTech Explorer Conference for High School Girls to Get Involved in Tech
02/25/2016 A yearly conference at Utah Valley University to help get high school aged girls involved and excited about the technology agency. Dr. Angela Trego and Sara Jones from the Women Tech Council are telling us all about this year’s conference on March 11th, 2016. The idea is that not enough girls are going into STEM careers. They hope that early exposure and being able to meet role models within the tech industry can influence these girls to get more involved. It’s a fun way for high school-aged girls to learn about technology and participate in a tech challenge with other girls their own age.

Video: SheTech Explorer Conference for Girls in Tech
02/12/2015 Technology is the center of our universe these days, and there’s a growing movement to get more girls involved in the tech. The SheTech Explorer Conference at UVU on March 13th aims to show high school-aged girls the different areas that are available in technology fields. The day-long event will include hands-on workshops in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM).

Video: UVU hosts ‘SheTech Explorer Day’ to get high school girls excited about STEM subjects
03/13/2015 The Utah Valley University and the Women Tech Council is hosting the second annual SheTech Explorer Day to encourage high school females to pursue careers in STEM subjects. STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, and some of the specific areas of study include aerodynamics, forensics, robotics and the chemistry of diamonds.

Video: Big Budah at SheTech Explorer Day
04/29/2014 Big Budah was at UVU Monday for SheTech Explorer Day. Here’s an example of one of the hands-on demonstrations to help high school girls explore science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Article: Girls and STEM: Why So Much Chatter?
02/22/2016 STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) is a big buzzword in education now, especially with girls. Why? According to the National Girls Collaborative Project, girls and boys have similar abilities in math and science, but males are three times more likely to be interested in STEM majors and careers.1 Women only earn 18% of engineering degrees compared to 82% of men.

Article: Registration opened for SheTech Explorer Day at UVU
03/11/2016 Over 1,000 high school girls will gather at the UCCU Events Center on the Utah Valley University campus in March for the third annual SheTech Explorer Day. The free conference brings together several technology companies to expose the young women to opportunities in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Article: SheTech Explorer Day hosted by UVU
03/31/2015 Girls from local high schools came to UVU to explore careers in technology and other STEM fields. It was developed last year by Dr. Angela Trego, an assistant professor in technology management at UVU. “One of our goals is to share with girls that you don’t have to be great at math, but you want be serious; you want to be creative. It’s not just sitting in front of a computer and coding,” Trego said.

SheTech Provo High School Highlight
Cydni Tetro and two girls from Provo High discuss the STEM education, career, and internship opportunities available throughout the year for high school girls.

SheTech Student Board
Cydni Tetro, Emma Thomas and Sophie Dean talk about the SheTech Program and all of the opportunities available throughout the year for high school girls.

Live SheTech Coverage: SheTech

Getting Ready for SheTech

Article: It’s Time For Fun With STEM At SheTech Explorer Days
The SheTech Explorer Days are back, and there is literally something for every young woman at this event. SheTech is put on by the Women Tech Council as a hands-on tech conference for high school girls. The day includes a plethora of interactive hands-on workshops centered on science, technology, engineering and math, or STEM. Girls who attend can explore robotics, computer programming, digital media, chemistry, health and microbiology. [Read more]

Article: SheTech Explorer Day Gets Girls Excited About Careers In STEM
2/15/2018 – SALT LAKE CITY, Utah(News4Utah) This morning, some key organizations are looking to help Utah high school girls get excited about their careers. They’re preparing for SheTech Explorer Day. Roberta Reichgelt from the Salt Lake City Department of Economic Development, and Sara Jones, Co-founder of the Women Tech Council, joined Brian Carlson to explain. [Read more]

Article: Women Tech Council Launches SheTech Internship Program for High School Girls
6/13/2017 Salt Lake City—The Women Tech Council (WTC) today launched a technology internship program to provide high school girls the opportunity to interact with technology companies, meet and interact with women in technology and understand the impact they can have by pursuing STEM careers.

Video: High school girls try their hand with science, technology, engineering and math
5/9/2017 Robotics, coding and 3D printing were just some of the activities more than 140 high school girls had an opportunity to explore Monday during the SheTech Explorer Day program. The event, held on Southern Utah University campus, brought in several regional and national tech companies to provide girls from rural areas hands-on experiences and mentoring in areas of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

Article: SheTech Helps High School Girls Find Their Place in Tech
5/9/2017 In most of her computer classes, Southern Utah University professor Shalini Kesar sees only about five or six women for every 20 men.

Article: Girl power: SheTech links growing number of high school girls to STEM
03/12/2016 When Angela Trego read a feedback survey where a girl admitted she didn’t know she could do things in science, technology, engineering and math until she attended SheTech Explorer Day, she knew the event was doing what it was meant to.

Article: Girls explore science at UVU’s SheTech Explorer Day
01/19/2016 Girls learn about super absorbent polymers that, when exposed to water, can expand to 100 times their size on Friday. More than 1,000 high school-age girls attended the 3rd annual SheTech Explorer Day at UVU in Orem on Friday, March 11, 2016. The event promotes STEM education.

Article: Southern Utah Girls get Hands-on Experience at SheTech
5/8/2017 With over 130 students from across southern Utah in attendance, SheTech Explorer Day exposes high school girls to technology through workshops with tech companies, competitive problem-solving events and networking activities. Led by Dr. Shalini Kesar, associate professor of Information Systems, SheTech Explorer Day is hosted at Southern Utah University and involves current students, faculty, local and national businesses. Girls are attending from the St George and SUU SUCCESS Academies, Cedar City high schools, and Delta and Panguitch high schools.

Article: SheTech at UVU courting high school girls interested in STEM
03/4/2015 Held March 13, the free event and excused school absence is designed to introduce girls in grades 9-12 to programs in science, technology, engineering and math. It will feature multiple companies from around the country and state, including Ancestry, US Synthetics, Disney, eBay and Thanksgiving Point.