Bodies vs. Machines

Assistive technologies developed in the Ergonomics and Safety Lab at the University of Utah enable children and adults with various movement and sensory limitations to do extraordinary things. You will learn about how some machines function like our bodies and can be modeled as complex mechanical systems. Interactions with balance boards, electromyography, and force dynamometers will open your eyes to exciting possibilities as you test various project prototypes of previous and on-going research in adaptive technology and assistive design.
Bodies vs. Machines

Assistive technologies developed in the Ergonomics and Safety Lab at the University of Utah enable children and adults with various movement and sensory limitations to do extraordinary things. You will learn about how some machines function like our bodies and can be modeled as complex mechanical systems. Interactions with balance boards, electromyography, and force dynamometers will open your eyes to exciting possibilities as you test various project prototypes of previous and on-going research in adaptive technology and assistive design.